Request for telescopic crane

This is a request for equipment or services over Heavy Lifting transportation or lifting. So you can send your offer below for this request.

Request for telescopic crane



Request description

We are looking telescopic crane for Egypt.

Kindly note that the crane is required to have the following requirements:

Telescopic Crane can extend to minimum 18.5 meters.
Can carry 10 ton at 3 meters radius and 1.5 tons at 15.5 meters radius (Loading Conditions can be considered at Harbor Mode)

In addition to the above the crane should have :
The crane is to be constructed, load tested and certified to ABS Guidelines for Certification of Cranes or equivalent.
Load, radius and wire-out indicators.
Crane booms shall be marked with Safe Working Load (SWL).
An anti-two-blocking mechanism.
The crane is to be equipped with a safe load moment indicator


Location: Africa
Type: Purchase
Active till: 2018-02-28
Specific terms:
State: Active

Offers for Request

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