Request for floating crane for project

This is a request for equipment or services over Heavy Lifting transportation or lifting. So you can send your offer below for this request.

Request for floating crane for project



Request description

We urgently need your support for a floating crane hire job for deployment in Sierra Leone. The floating crane will be used to transfer bauxite ore from barges into the bulk carrier in mid-sea operations.
Barges will load bauxite ore from jetty and take it 42 miles into the sea up till the bulk carrier.

The floating crane will then offload from barges to bulk carrier. Barge capacity is 2500-3000 tons and the bulk carrier is for 160,000 tons.

Regarding the floating crane:

1- It should have two cranes or grabs with long enough arms
2- It can handle from 10k:12k tons daily
3- draft not more than 4M
4- Crew can speak English
5- The depth (width) of it should be more than 5M to work in high sea and be stable during the operation.
6- self-propelled.

The project duration will be for 5 years.


Location: Africa
Type: Rent
Active till: 2020-06-30
Specific terms: Sierra Leone, 5 years project
State: Active

Offers for Request



May 30, 2024, 4:24 p.m.

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May 30, 2024, 3:53 p.m.

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May 30, 2024, 3:52 p.m.

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