This is a request for equipment or services over Heavy Lifting transportation or lifting. So you can send your offer below for this request.
Request description
Starting from: 06/March/2018
We require rates for Crane operations in China Shanghai with charges Per hour and
Minimal charges. For cranes with following capacities:
* Crane Contract Lift Hire Wet Inclusive Standard Lifting Tackle Cargo Lift Capability 20 - 50 MT
*Crane Contract Lift Hire Wet Inclusive Standard Lifting Tackle Cargo Lift Capability 51 - 80 MT
*Crane Contract Lift Hire Wet Inclusive Standard Lifting Tackle Cargo Lift Capability +81 > 200 MT
Location: | Asia |
Type: | Service |
Active till: | 2018-03-07 |
Specific terms: | China Shanghai Crane Rental |
State: | Active |
Attached: |