Crane charges for cranes with capacities between 20 -200MT

This is a request for equipment or services over Heavy Lifting transportation or lifting. So you can send your offer below for this request.

Crane  charges for cranes with capacities between  20 -200MT



Request description

Starting from: 07/March/2018

We require rates for Crane operations in Walvis Bay with charges Per hour and

Minimal charges. For cranes with following capacities:
* Crane Contract Lift Hire Wet Inclusive Standard Lifting Tackle Cargo Lift Capability 20 - 50 MT

*Crane Contract Lift Hire Wet Inclusive Standard Lifting Tackle Cargo Lift Capability 51 - 80 MT

*Crane Contract Lift Hire Wet Inclusive Standard Lifting Tackle Cargo Lift Capability +81 > 200 MT


Location: Africa
Type: Service
Active till: 2018-03-07
Specific terms: Walvis Bay Crane Rental
State: Active

Offers for Request



May 30, 2024, 2:19 p.m.


This request is waiting for your offer! Place it here please... See all requests

Type here the short content of your offer. F.e. "Our lowloader Nooteboom ready for your rent"


Describe your offer please in details. Don't point please some contact data here.

Your Name*

Type here please you full name including prefix. F.e. "mr. Oliver Twist"

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Your Company*