JSC "Vostokmontazhmehanizatsiya" operates in the industry since 1972, was created as a division of the trust "Vostokmetallurgmontazh" for construction and installation work on the field of industrial sites and powerful region of hoisting machines and vehicles, capable of transport of heavy and extra large loads.

Today the company is one of the leaders of mechanization of construction in the Ural region has established itself as a reliable carrier of the goods to anywhere in , produces works on installation of steel structures, technological equipment and pipelines, has modern vehicles for transportation of oversized and heavy cargo weighing up to 326 tons lifting devices - mobile cranes g / n from 16 to 200 tons, hydraulic lifts with lifting heights up to 56 m, mounting crawler cranes g / n up to 100 tons. The staff engineers, behind which a rich experience in the most complex projects for many years.

One of the most important competitive advantage has been and remains a complex work: the organization of transport, including loading / unloading crane trucks, inspection route, design approvals, authorizations, permits, maintenance, insurance and security of cargo before it is mounted.

The company has its own production facilities, which are located in buildings with repair shops diagnostic systems, machinery equipment and a complete set of garage equipment. ZAO "VMM" has established itself as a reliable and honest partner, is included in the composite detachment Defense and Emergency, is a member of NP "SRO Union of construction companies of the Urals and Siberia."


  • Rigging services
  • Equipment service
  • Lifting
  • Transport
  • Crane rental