DAP Barging BV
DAP has proven to be a reliable partner in barging for over 15 years.
Categories: Logistics | Vessel operator
Countries: Netherlands
Extra filtering by keywords: heavy lifters sea freight inland shipping ro-ro service roll on - roll off operations ballasting operations inland
Related equipment: Heavy Cargo Vessel Barge Pontoon Tug Floating crane
DAP has proven to be a reliable partner in barging for over 15 years.
Categories: Logistics | Vessel operator
Countries: Netherlands
Perfect partner for storage and transport of dry bulk goods. With a well-equipped barge thrust, about 400,000 m3 of cargo space ranging from 2000 to 5000 tons and a capacity of 2000-7500 m3, fleet C.D.C.
It specializes in storage and water transport. We also have several tugs and pusher boats with a capacity ranging from 500 to 2000 horsepower or more. We also offer a wide range of services to meet your specific load requirements.
Depots: 1 | Employees: 50
Categories: Offshore services | Shipping | Vessel operator
Countries: Netherlands
The intensive cooperation with and support of member shipping companies. A successful strategy as it turns out, the organization is healthy and resilient emerged from the crisis and again very active in making investments and start-up of innovative and logistics projects.
We work closely with shipping companies. On our ships, the advantage of working with a private captain-owner combined with the security of a large and professional shipping.
Categories: Consulting | Offshore services | Shipping | Vessel operator
Countries: Netherlands
By innovating, investing and specialising Royal Van der Wees Group continues to build on an integral transport concept: tailored solutions for stockage and transhipment of cargo and special transport by water and on land, all combined within one company.
Depots: 5 | Employees: 200
Categories: Lashing & Packaging Cargo | Logistics | Offshore services | Road Transport | Shipping | Vessel operator | Wind Energy Services
Countries: Netherlands
Transdata stands out for offering the best and most complete solutions for moving oversized and heavy cargo to enable the deploying of the largest structural facilities in Brazil as refineries, platforms and shipyards, wind farms, hydroelectric, industrial, steel and mining sectors.
Categories: Crane rental | Installation | Port operations | Rigging services | Road Transport | Shipping | Trailers rent | Vessel operator | Wind Energy Services
Countries: Brazil
We specialize in the handling of high value heavy cargoes and have a long track record of providing safe, reliable and fast transports by means of Float-on/Float-off,Roll-on/Roll-off, Skid-on/Skid-off and Lift-on/Lift-off operations.
Depots: 3 | Employees: 200
Categories: Logistics | Offshore services | Shipping | Vessel operator | Wind Energy Services
Countries: China
Ibrakom is the regions leading Logistics and Freight Forwarding Organisation with owned and operated ports, terminals, vessels, heavy lifting and construction equipment.
Depots: 16 | Employees: 1000
Categories: Air freight | Forwarding (Expedition) | Lashing & Packaging Cargo | Logistics | Offshore services | Port operations | Railway Transportation | Road Transport | Shipping | Stevedore | Vessel operator
Countries: United Arab Emirates
“Beluga Projects Logistic” is the leading expert in oversized and heavy cargo logistics in Russia and CIS. We have proven our business reputation though years of impeccable work in this field. Our company has chosen a high-tech development strategy, which made us nowadays the market leader in timely and safe delivery of oversized and heavy weight cargo.
Depots: 1 | Employees: 45
Categories: Consulting | Customs broker | Forwarding (Expedition) | Logistics | Rigging services | Road permit | Road Transport | Shipping | Trailers rent | Vessel operator
Countries: Russia
Bok Seng, an ISO 9001:2000 certified company is in the business providing total logistics services since 1975.
Project Logistics Management:
Depots: 6 | Employees: 500
Categories: Crane rental | Crane trade | Forwarding (Expedition) | Logistics | Offshore services | Port operations | Rigging services | Road permit | Road Transport | Stevedore | Vessel operator | Wind Energy Services
Countries: Indonesia