
Found companies: 46

Related equipment:  Heavy Cargo Vessel  Barge  Pontoon  Tug  Floating crane

United Engineering Solutions GmbH & Co. KG

United Engineering Solutions GmbH & Co. KG

United Engineering Solution provides tailor made engineering solutions for:

- Cargo engineering (Lifting, stowage, securing, surveying, etc)

- Structural engineering (steel constructions, feasibility studies, analyses, etc)

- Lifting and weight spreading equipment desig

Depots: 1 | Employees: 10

Categories: Consulting | Forwarding (Expedition) | Logistics | Offshore equipment trade | Rigging equipment service / parts | Rigging equipment trade | Shipping | Vessel operator | Wind Energy Services

Countries: Germany

Gürkan Nakliyat

Gürkan Nakliyat

We are working with all European, Asian and North African countries. For Heavy and Project Transportation; in order to be the partner of customers; to have experienced and expert staff with the reliable and powerful network, we create and implement appropriate solutions to the needs of customers.

Depots: 1 | Employees: 50

Categories: Pilot car | Port operations | Road permit | Road Transport | Shipping | Trailers rent | Trucks rent | Vessel operator | Wind Energy Services

Countries: Turkey

Gemadept Logistics Co. LTD

Gemadept Logistics Co. LTD

Gemadept Project Cargo transport was established in early 1990s to meet the market demand and the fast developing economy.

With many years of experience, Gemadept project cargo transport sector has been continuously developing and Gemadept is the leading provider for the service in Indochina area.

Depots: 1 | Employees: 100

Categories: Air freight | Customs broker | Forwarding (Expedition) | Installation | Lashing & Packaging Cargo | Logistics | Rigging services | Road Transport | Shipping | Trailers rent | Vessel operator | Wind Energy Services

Countries: Vietnam



After 40 years of construction and development, VIETRANSTIMEX is now the leading company in field of transport in Vietnam and Region. We specialize in international multi-modal transport, transporting general cargoes, of all kinds transporting heavy lift and oversized cargoes and project cargoes in mode of “Door to Door” service.

Depots: 6 | Employees: 200

Categories: Crane rental | Installation | Offshore services | Rigging services | Road Transport | Shipping | Trailers rent | Vessel operator

Countries: Vietnam

Coöperatieve Duwbakken Centrale u.a.

Coöperatieve Duwbakken Centrale u.a.

Perfect partner for storage and transport of dry bulk goods. With a well-equipped barge thrust, about 400,000 m3 of cargo space ranging from 2000 to 5000 tons and a capacity of 2000-7500 m3, fleet C.D.C.

It specializes in storage and water transport. We also have several tugs and pusher boats with a capacity ranging from 500 to 2000 horsepower or more. We also offer a wide range of services to meet your specific load requirements.

Depots: 1 | Employees: 50

Categories: Offshore services | Shipping | Vessel operator

Countries: Netherlands

Mercurius Shipping Group

Mercurius Shipping Group

The intensive cooperation with and support of member shipping companies. A successful strategy as it turns out, the organization is healthy and resilient emerged from the crisis and again very active in making investments and start-up of innovative and logistics projects.

We work closely with shipping companies. On our ships, the advantage of working with a private captain-owner combined with the security of a large and professional shipping.

Categories: Consulting | Offshore services | Shipping | Vessel operator

Countries: Netherlands